Ramcharan shruti haasan yevadu movie

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  • Ramcharan Yevadu Postponed, Actor Sai Kumar, ramcharan s yevadu postponed, Ramcharan shruti haasan yevadu movie

    Ramcharan's Yevadu Postponed 28 July 2013

    Ramcharan and Shruti Haasan's 'Yevadu' movie which was to release on 31st of this month is postponed to 21st of August.  The film unit celebrated Vamshi Paidipalli the writer and Director of the movie and actor Sai Kumar’s birthday at...

    Keywords: Ramcharan Yevadu Postponed, Ramcharan shruti Haasan Yevadu movie, Shruti Haasan, Vamshi Paidipally

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