Rarest celestial display: Venus transit sun 06 June 2012
Once in a life time event can be observed by people across the globe from US to Korea, across all continents. The unique celestial display once in a century or more, is visible in daytime sky on Tuesday in US...
Keywords: venus transits, venus, celestial display, solar system
Read MoreCity watches Venus Transit 06 June 2012
Hyderabad city the most happening metro in the country wakes up early to get a glimpse of the celestial spectacle, on Wednesday. Yes Venus Transits sun today a rare celestial display and not to miss event once in a life...
Keywords: venus, sun, sun, sun
Read MoreMore planets outside our Solar System 27 February 2014
NASA found 715 planets outside our solar system which are called exoplanets. Those exoplanets are found in groups revolving around stars of their own. 305 stars are found that are Suns to these exoplanets which means more worlds are there...
Keywords: solar system, new planets, NASA planetary scientist Jack Lissauer, planets outside solar system
Read MoreEarth, Moon 60 Million years older: Study 11 June 2014
Scientists in a their recent study have found out that Earth and Moon were formed 60 million years back. The researchers said Earth's ancestor and planet sized body occurred around 40 million years after the start of solar system formation...
Keywords: Technology news, xenon gas signals, Moon age, Moon age
Read MoreComet Ison Died at 21.30 GMT- ESA 29 November 2013
The European Space Agency (ESA) declared that the Comet Ison's death occurred at 21.30 GMT. The comet of the century is gone like Comet Lovejoy in 2011. The skywathers were allured with the 2 km long comet since it was...
Keywords: Sun, Comet Ison's death occurred, Comet Lovejoy, solar system
Read MoreSolar system has a tail named as the heliotail! 11 July 2013
It seems that at the moment the United States space agency can prove that our solar system has a tail just as in case of comets. Furthermore, the Scientists known to have brought into prominence images on Wednesday showcasing the...
Keywords: Solar system has a tail, United States space agency, Solar system has a tail named as the heliotail, heliosphere
Read MoreSolar system first scale model 19 September 2015
With complete planetary orbits, the solar system first scale model, was built by Wylie Overstreet and Alex Gorosh, who sought to explain about the vastness of local neighborhood of planets, dwarf planets, asteroids and comets. To initiate the adventure, both...
Keywords: Solar system first scale model, solar system scale model, Solar system first scale model, first scale model Solar system
Read MoreHuman-like life impossible in solar system 27 January 2012
Dr Robin Catchpole, well known astronomer working for the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, said there could be life on other planets in our solar system of the universe but the living beings there should not be necessarily intelligent or even...
Keywords: life on other planets, life in outer universe, no intelligent life in universe, life in outer universe
Read MoreSaturn-Earth 'photobomb' picture released by NASA 24 July 2013
The US space agency has brought into prominence a rare photo of the Earth and moon taken from the vantage point of the outer solar system, accompanied by Saturn's rings in the shot. Nasa said that the colour images were...
Keywords: us space agency, cassini, vantage point, cassini
Read MoreCuriosity says Martian atmosphere has no life support 21 September 2013
During Thursday it has come up into prominence that National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (Nasa) Mars rover Curiosity couldn't justify it's investigation for methane in the planet's atmosphere. Methane gas happens to be a strong evidence of life on Earth....
Keywords: solar system, biological activity, geologic event, no sign of methane
Read MoreVoyager 1 exits Solar system, enters interstellar space 13 September 2013
This is extremely exciting news for the Star Wars fans. NASA has announced that the Voyager 1 spacecraft has entered interstellar space, which is the space between two stars. In simple language, this means the craft has ventured outside our...
Keywords: Voyager exits solar system, Voyager 1, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA
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