Popular writer Mo admitted to hospital 02 August 2011
Well known Telugu writer and poet Mr. Vegunta Mohan Prasad, popularly known as Mo, has been admitted to a private nursing home in Vijayawada after he suffered brain hemorrhage today. “He is put on a ventilator and the condition is...
Keywords: Mr. Vegunta Mohan Prasad, Chitichinta, Sandhya Bhasha, Chitichinta
Read MorePopular writer Mo passes away 03 August 2011
Well known Telugu writer and poet Mr. Vegunta Mohan Prasad, popularly known as Mo, passed away this morning at a private nursing home in Vijayawada. He was undergoing treatment for brain hemorrhage for the last few days. Mr Mo’s poems...
Keywords: Rahasyatantri, Mo, Rahasyatantri, Punarapi
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