Teja kamal haasan movie

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  • Entertainment News, Cinema News, director teja s announces his next, Teja kamal haasan movie

    Director Teja's announces his next 28 June 2014

    It is been a decade, director Teja tasted success at box office. Though he is coming up with something different every time, a box office hit is maintaining its distance from Teja. Still, he did not give up any hope...

    Keywords: director Teja, Telugu director Teja next film, director Teja, director Teja next film

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    Kamal did not accept any Telugu film, Kamal Haasan, kamal did not accept any telugu film, Teja kamal haasan movie

    Kamal did not accept any Telugu film 07 July 2014

    Few days back when director Teja said that he will be doing his next with Universal Hero Kamal Hassan, the tinsel town went gaga over it. He also added that, the film have its launch in November formally. However, Kamal...

    Keywords: Telugu director Teja Kamal Haasan movie, Telugu director Teja Kamal Haasan movie, Entertainment news, Cinema news

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