Unbelievable facts

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  • Baby alive in the graveyard, Unbelievable facts, baby buried in graveyard comes out alive, Unbelievable facts

    Baby buried in graveyard comes out alive! 14 May 2015

    Not only in India, few of the new born babies are facing difficulty in many parts of the world. Recently in China, a new born baby had to face a critical situation where he was buried underground but finally taken...

    Keywords: Unbelievable facts, Baby alive in the graveyard, Baby alive in the graveyard, Baby alive in the graveyard

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    Weird facts, Unbelievable facts, young boy throws blades at his sister, Unbelievable facts

    Young boy throws blades at his sister 18 May 2015

    At Dayton in Ohio, USA, the world's youngest knife thrower Grennan Bartlett-Nealeigh throws blades at his seven year old sister Charlotte.In the image, the green board which we observe is the place where he targets to stick his knife which...

    Keywords: Weird facts, Unbelievable facts, knife thrower, knife thrower

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    Unbelievable facts, Unbelievable facts, extremes of showing anger on trains, Unbelievable facts

    Extremes of showing anger on trains 15 May 2015

    Whenever, the trains are delayed, we get frustrated and show the anger at that point of time itself. But a man, took this issue much more forward by applying a tattoo on his leg saying 'f*** southern'. The 23 years...

    Keywords: Unbelievable facts, Weird facts, Weird facts, Unbelievable facts

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    Jersey cows, Weird facts, jersey cows milk turns children to crime, Unbelievable facts

    Jersey cows milk turns children to crime 25 April 2015

    Drinking a cow's milk is healthier to all age groups but make sure that the cow is an Indian. This is not my   suggestion.The RSS group leader Shankar Lal said  that the move would improve the condition of the animals,...

    Keywords: Jersey cows, Jersey cows, unbelievable facts, Weird facts

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    Unbelievable facts, Fire hydrant, do you know who invented fire hydrant, Unbelievable facts

    Do you know who invented fire hydrant ? 28 April 2015

    Fire Hydrant. It is generally used in any shopping centers, movie theaters or any other public places. Generally a  fire threat can be expected anywhere these days, so the necessity of these fire hydrants are obviously very essential. We learnt...

    Keywords: Weird facts, Unbelievable facts, Fire hydrant, Fire hydrant

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    Twins, Twins, twins with different fathers, Unbelievable facts

    Twins with different fathers 08 May 2015

    Generally we are mostly aware of the fact that twins take birth from same mother and father. But here is a case where there are twins who had born for two different fathers.Through the DNA test, this truth was found...

    Keywords: weird facts, Twins, unbelievable facts, unbelievable facts

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    unbelievable facts, unbelievable facts, crashed car for the sake of dog, Unbelievable facts

    Crashed car for the sake of dog 04 May 2015

    Aston Martin. Any one who loves driving the cars, would fall in love with this costly car. In that sense, not only who loves, but also who hates it too starts loving it after driving this car once. That is...

    Keywords: unbelievable facts, Weird facts, unbelievable facts, Weird facts

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    Weird facts, Weird facts, bus poster promoting rapes, Unbelievable facts

    Bus poster promoting rapes 12 May 2015

    A day saver ticket is a tradition in most of the places. It offers full day travel in the local travels of the concerned place. But an advertisement of this ticket has led to a controversy in UK. The reason...

    Keywords: Unbelievable facts, Bus poster, Unbelievable facts, Unbelievable facts

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    monkey, weird facts, same name for a monkey and princess, Unbelievable facts

    Same name for a monkey and princess 07 May 2015

    When some naughtiness is recognized in some of our friends, we immediately call them as Monkey. The name is very widely used all around. But do you accept if a monkey's name is same as the princess  of a place?Well,...

    Keywords: unbelievable facts, unbelievable facts, unbelievable facts, unbelievable facts

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    skyscraper, skyscraper, set up of 57 story sky scraper in 19 days, Unbelievable facts

    Set up of 57 story sky scraper in 19 days 01 May 2015

    A normal independent house might take around 2 months to complete. Then how much time does it take to complete a 57 story skyscraper ?. May be a comfortable time. But can you believe, if I say that a Chinese...

    Keywords: weird facts, unbelievable facts, unbelievable facts, weird facts

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    Unbelievable facts, jigsaw, a trendy charity, Unbelievable facts

    A trendy charity 09 May 2015

    Assembling all the pieces of one jigsaw itself is a big job. But can you believe if I say that a man in Britain came as a volunteer for this purpose only.Getting into the details, a retired builder Michael Barry...

    Keywords: jigsaw, jigsaw, jigsaw, weird facts

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    Weird facts, Norway police, norwegian police don t use guns, Unbelievable facts

    Norwegian Police don't use guns 29 April 2015

    People are afraid of police. Would you accept this ?, so let me correct the sentence. People are afraid of guns in the hands of police. Yes, I know many accept this. So a police who is supposed to help...

    Keywords: Weird facts, Norway police, Weird facts, unbelievable facts

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    Murder, unbelievable facts, world s first murder victim found, Unbelievable facts

    World’s first murder victim found? 03 June 2015

    It seems like the Scientists have cracked the mystery of the murder which was done 4,30000 years ago.  In an underground cave system in Spain, the skeletal remains of 28 individuals are found. From the study of the archaeological department,...

    Keywords: Murder, Murder, unbelievable facts, Murder

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    Birth certificate, Islam, unique birth certificate in islamic states, Unbelievable facts

    Unique birth certificate in Islamic states 02 May 2015

    The birth certificate what we know in India is far different from Islamic states. The certificate is issued in a very unique process on those places.If you can observe the picture, there is a black cloth on the baby's body....

    Keywords: Weirds facts, Weirds facts, unbelievable facts, Birth certificate

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    allergic horse, unbelievable facts, still loves her dangerous horse, Unbelievable facts

    Still loves her dangerous horse 05 May 2015

    “She even buys her horse a costume, how caring owner, superb.” If these are your feelings after watching the image, please stop guessing and start inquiring in to the details.Firstly, the costume on the horse is not for fashion purpose...

    Keywords: weird facts, unbelievable facts, allergic horse, weird facts

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    Weird facts, Snail in Sandwich, live snail in sandwich, Unbelievable facts

    Live Snail in sandwich 13 May 2015

    Generally there is a tradition for few of the people who sell eatables to include few insects or any tiny creatures in it. I guess that might be out of the love they have on those creatures. But mostly we...

    Keywords: Weird facts, Snail in Sandwich, Weird facts, Snail in Sandwich

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    Ants alcohol, Ants gin, gin prepared with ants, Unbelievable facts

    Gin prepared with Ants 20 May 2015

    Till date, we might have heard about various kinds of gin and might also be aware of the ingredients in it. Generally, it a prestige factor for men to say in a friends get together that, they had all types...

    Keywords: Ants gin, Ants gin, Ants gin, Ants gin

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    Justin Beiber, Justin Beiber, fans at the peak, Unbelievable facts

    Fans at the peak 30 April 2015

    The celebrities earn name, fame and beyond this there is something else that makes them feel proud of being in that profession. That is Fans.Any celebrity's most important target is to gain good number of fans for them. But sometimes...

    Keywords: Justin Beiber, Weird facts, unbelievable facts, Justin Beiber

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    unbelievable facts, Japanese education system, japan students clean their classrooms, Unbelievable facts

    Japan students clean their classrooms 11 May 2015

    In the above image you can observe the Japanese students cleaning their class rooms. What is that?, do the parents sent them to schools for this purpose?, how dare the management of the school is?, these might generally be the...

    Keywords: Weird facts, unbelievable facts, unbelievable facts, Japanese education system

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    Weird facts, disabled friend, carried disabled friend to school, Unbelievable facts

    Carried disabled friend to school 27 April 2015

    “I love my friend” .. This is not just a word to him, but a commitment, a dedication in practical. Two students at Daxu High School, situated in the northern province of Jiangsu redefined the meaning of friendship. One among...

    Keywords: Weird facts, disabled friend, Weird facts, Weird facts

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