Vastunna meekosam chandrababu

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  • ntr tdp chandrababu naidu, ntr nara lokesh, chandrababu kept ntr at bay, Vastunna meekosam chandrababu

    Chandrababu kept NTR at bay? 21 March 2013

    Is it true that TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu is having a rift with NTR? We don't whether it's true or not but observers are speculating so much over the same. When Andhra Wishesh spoke to many senior journalists and analysts...

    Keywords: lokesh naidu tdp future, ntr chandrababu rift, ntr tdp chandrababu naidu, chandrababu naidu tdp

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    vastunna meekosam chandrababu, adilabad vastunna meekosam, day 3 in adilabad dist vastunna meekosam, Vastunna meekosam chandrababu

    Day 3 in Adilabad dist-Vastunna Meekosam 08 December 2012

    TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu is touring Adilabad district as a part of his Vastunna Neekosam padayatra. Today is his third day tour in this district. Today, his padayatra would cover Bhainsa, Mategaon, Thimmapur and Kuntala mandals.  At Kallu x roads,...

    Keywords: adilabad vastunna meekosam, all party meeting telangana, all party meeting telangana, all party meeting telangana

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    100 days padayatra, vastunna meekosam khammam district, festive atmosphere prevails at tdp offices, Vastunna meekosam chandrababu

    Festive atmosphere prevails at TDP offices 09 January 2013

    Vastunna Meekosam padayatra-taken out by TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu-on October 2, 2012 has completed 100 days today. The show is still running successfully and TDP folks are celebrating this day as a festival. Chandrababu Naidu's 100th day walkathon was marked...

    Keywords: vastunna meekosam padayatra, vastunna meekosam khammam district, vastunna meekosam khammam district, ntr chandrababu

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    chandrababu walkathon, tdp chandrababu naidu, babu s hithabodha to tdp folks, Vastunna meekosam chandrababu

    Babu's hithabodha to TDP folks 13 March 2013

    TDP supremo has held an internal meeting today to reinforce the party cadre in West Godavari district. Chandrababu Naidu appealed to the party folks to work day and night in order to bring back the lost charm of TDP. He...

    Keywords: tdp chandrababu naidu, vastunna meekosam chandrababu naidu, chandrababu walkathon, tdp future plans

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    chandrababu vastunna meekosam, vastunna meekosam chandrababu naidu, babu almost falls off stage why it s taking place time and again, Vastunna meekosam chandrababu

    Babu almost falls off stage! Why it's taking place time and again? 14 February 2013

    TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu had a bitter experience yet another time in Vastunna Meekosam padayatra this time again. Babu accidentally had a fall from the stage again as the staircase of the stage came down. The activists present over there...

    Keywords: chandrababu vastunna meekosam, tdp chandrababu naidu, tdp chandrababu naidu, chandrababu vastunna meekosam

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    vastunna meekosam padayatra, vastunna meekosam padayatra, cong troubles farmers babu, Vastunna meekosam chandrababu

    Cong troubles farmers: Babu 10 December 2012

    TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu, who has been touring Adilabad district as a part of his padayatra-Vastunna Meekosam-has lashed out at the Congress party at the state and centre. He has said that Congress had been pushing farmers into vacuum. Babu,...

    Keywords: vastunna meekosam chandrababu naidu, vastunna meekosam chandrababu naidu, fdi chandrababu, adilabad district vastunna meekosam

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    krishna district padayatra, padayatra vastunna meekosam, vastunna meekosam babu back in action, Vastunna meekosam chandrababu

    Vastunna Meekosam: Babu back in action 31 January 2013

    TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu, who has took a four-day break in his padayatra Vastunna Meekosam, has resumed his massive walkathon today at Kanchikarla of Krishna district. It is known that Chandrababu Naidu had to give a break to his padayatra...

    Keywords: chandrababu vastunna meekosam, vastunna meekosam padayatra, tdp chandrababu naidu, krishna district padayatra

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    chandrababu naidu vastunna meekosam, rangareddy district tour, vastunna meekosam enters medak, Vastunna meekosam chandrababu

    Vastunna Meekosam enters Medak 19 November 2012

    After ten days tour in Rangareddy district, TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu's Vastunna Meekosam has entered Medak district. The moment Babu entered Bhanuru in Patanacheru of Medak district, he was received grandly by scores of activists besides common people including women....

    Keywords: chandrababu naidu vastunna meekosam, bhuvaneshwari, vastunna meekosam medak district, nara lokesh

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