Professional Footballers' Association (PFA) chief executive Gordon Taylor claims it is important a strong message is sent out over the consequences of racism and has backed the ban given to Luis Suarez.
The Liverpool striker Luis Suarez has been suspended for eight games and fined 40,000 pounds for racist comments directed towards Manchester United’s Patrice Evra, and Taylor believes such a harsh sanction will act as a deterrent to other players.
"We are a multicultural society but also our football is very cosmopolitan and it is important that we send out the strongest message if there has been racist abuse," Taylor told Sky Sports News. "Clearly it is an Independent Regulatory Commission set up by the FA. They must have had compelling evidence to come out with such a very strong sanction as a deterrent for the future."
The Reds are expected to lodge an appeal against the ruling after releasing a statement declaring their frustration with the decision and questioning the credibility of Evra.