On Saturday in the Asian Grand Prix Archery tournament at Bangkok proved lucky for the Indian archers. They shot meticulously and had a rich haul of medals, in the individual section. The medals earned at the tournament included one gold, 3 silver and a bronze. The 18-year-old Services' archer Chittibomma Jignas narrowly beats National champion Rajat Chauhan in a tie at th all-indian final in the men’s compound event. This gold medal was his second international medal, after the silver he bagged at the third Asian Grand Prix at Dhaka in May last. Another Indian archer Chaterjee lost to Vietnam’s Nguyen Tien Cuong at 143-147 in the semis leaving the bronze to him.
But India’s thirst for the coveted recurve division win evaded once again, with both Mangal Singh Champia and Chekrovolu Swuro had to settle for just silver. Champia lost to French archer Romain Girouille in the men’s semis. In the women’s semis Swuro lost to Japan’s Ren Hayakawa. Both the Indian entries in the women's compound bowed out in the semi final. Jhano Hansdah lost to ultimate gold medal winner Aung Ngeain of Myanmar 142-145 and Gagandeep Kaur fell to silver medallist Nurfatehah Mat Salleh Fatin of Malaysia 141-143.
In the battle for bronze, Jhano prevailed over her much younger opponent in the tie-breaker after a 139-139 tie. Jhano broke the stalemate by hitting the bull's eye while Gagandeep collected only 8. The team finals will be held on Sunday. (With inputs from internet: AarKay)