Former Australian Cricketer, pace bowler Glenn Mc Grath has been chosen to be the one among the three contestants for a place at the coveted Madame Tussauds' Wax Museum in London.
It is a dream to be made in wax and displayed at the museum for many but a few get the chance and a place. Mc Grath was chosen to be the one winning over his rugby counterparts Wally Lewis and John Eales.
On a humorous note, Mc Grath quipped that he wasn't looking his personal best after retirement since he gained weight and his hair became grey and that the museum authorities must try to show him in a better shape than he is now.
London's sculptors have already flown from the museum's London headquarters, to Australia, with their weapons, calipers, hair samples, and fiberglass eyeballs to start working immediately.
(AW- Anil)