Yuvraj Singh, the warrior who battled a rare germ cell cancer, shall remember the day of his book launch as the day when Sachin's words drove people to the verge of crying. Yuvraj Singh has launched the book, a memoir of his life, The Test of My Life on Tuesday. Sachin at the launch recollected a few sensitive moments when he went to meet Yuvi in London after treatment.
Master Blaster Sachin had a weak moment at London where he feared he would break down in front of Yuvi at the hospital. He told his wife about his fears and wished he wouldn't breakdown in front of his teammate. He had to hug Yuvi tightly after he met him to console himself. It wasn't until Sachin saw him eat that he was confident about Yuvi's condition and being back in form.
He couldn't control his emotions, also making the sizable gathering at the launch lose their grips on their lachrymal glands, when he said, “He is like my younger brother and I would ask God why it had to happen to Yuvraj".
Yuvi's intention with the book, he said, was to be as a supporting pillar to people losing hope, "so that someone else can feel they are not alone when the chips are down." The rest of his teammates spoke afterward sharing their experiences with Yuvi.
(AW- Anil)