Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan has bought the Jaipur franchise of the Pro-Kabaddi League for an undisclosed amount. This Kabaddi league is a joint venture of industrialist Anand Mahindra and sports commentator Charu Sharma through their firm Mashal Sports.
Pro-Kabaddi League is scheduled in the country from 26th July to 31st August and eight city-based franchises will take part in this competition. The auction of players will be held from June 7 and 10 and around 72 Indian players and 28 International players will be auction which also include Pakistan players.
International Kabaddi Federation, Asian Kabaddi Federation and Amateur Kabbadi Federation of India has backed the Pro-Kabaddi League and Star Sports will telecast the live streaming of all the matches.
(AW: Vamshi)