Widely known as a Daughter of the then Superhit Heoine Radha, kartika is on cloud nine after achieving her first success in Tamil and Telugu with her film, ‘Ranham’ (‘KO’ in Tamil). Karthika made her Debut two years ago opposite Naga Chaitanya in ‘Josh’. The film din’t work well and karthika received comments from the critics on her looks being not so appealing. She took a two year break and made her debut in Tamil with Producer R.B.Choedary’s Son Jeeva starrer ‘Ko’. The same film is dubbed in Telugu as ‘Rangam’. The movie is a hit in both the languages and karthika’s looks and acting skills were appreciated.
Reacting to the film’s success, karthika said, ‘I am very happy and enjoying Rangam’s success both in Telugu and Tamil. Earlier I was constantly compared with my mom. She is very beautiful when compared to be and equally talented. I can’t be like her and I am just her daughter. As I believe in achieving things slowly I took a two year break. As of now I am yet to finalize on three projects. The details will be known soon”.
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