Superstar Rajinikanth has recently watched Allari Naresh starrer Sudigaadu movie at a private digital screening. He said he liked the movie. It has to be mentioned here that Sudigaadu is a complete scoop wherein director experimented with n number of parodies of Telugu films, ads and serials. Bheemaneni Srinivasa Rao, the director of Sudigaadu, managed to drag a large number of audience to the theatres and gave the biggest commercial hit to Allari Naresh.
Sudigaadu concept is borrowed from a 2010 block buster Tamil movie, Tamil Padam. Sudigaadu received good response from the public and the same response apparently made superstar Rajinikanth to watch this movie. Notably, there were some parodies from Rajinikanth's movie too.
(AW Phani)