Mahesh Babu has taken up the project Aagadu with Srinu Vaitla and that was reason enough for several people to start spreading rumors of the lead actresses in the audience. Fans who heard the rumors that Shruthi Haasan and Samantha would be romancing the milk boy Mahesh Babu in the upcoming flick Aagadu would be disappointed.
Srinu Vaitla has confirmed and rubbished them to be baseless rumors since the decision itself was not yet made. His recent twitter post said, "Been seeing Ur tweets..its all false news on the female main lead... we haven't finalised yet...whoever it is you will hear it only from me.." We would be disappointed to learn that this is not true, yet.
The question still remains now, who would be playing along his side? Shooting is just around the corner as his shooting with Sukumar's movie which has not yet been named will soon be finished after his Singapore trip next week.
(AW- Anil)