A very fashionable Sonam Kapoor was in Hyderabad recently to grace the launch of 'The Indian' brand of polo shirts. Wearing the brand's 'Indianized' t-shirts, many stars showed their patriotism, including Rana and Akhil. The Bollywood actress is, however, not interested in these two as her eyes on set on Namrata's husband Prince Mahesh.
Mahesh Babu was not at the event, but Sonam remembered him when asked about her plans for Tollywood. We all know that Namratha was a Miss India and an actress before settling down with Mahesh. Speaking to the media, Sonam said she would prefer to work with the 'good looking' actor in case she decides to act in a Telugu film.
Sonam revealed that she has been getting a lot of offers from South, having acted with a South actor Dhanush in Raanjhnaa. Her recent release, Farhan Akhtar's Bhaag Milkha Bhaag was also a hit. The only thing stopping her from taking a project here is her inability to speak the language, she said.
The actress expressed her intention to work in a challenging film like Raanjhnaa, where her character evolved throughout the film. Though she had trouble remembering Mahesh's name, she did remember that she finds him very good looking.
(AW: Sruthi)