Puri Jagannadh opted out from contesting in the Pongal movie release. It is an intelligent move by Puri Jagannadh to save many people connected to the movie from having a heart attack as the Pongal is going to have Mahesh Babu’s "1" and Ramcharan Tej's "Yevadu" to land in the Sankranti Rangavalli.
No doubt Puri is an able director. But Nitin starrer movie “Heart Attack” cannot be expected to compete with Mahesh Babu and Ramcharan in sharing the box office collections.
It is also a good move to retrace one’s steps when the time is not favorable. The movie can charge forward after seeing the results of the big movies releasing for the Pongal. Full strength can be gathered by the time the Pongal movies’ collections get weaker and more number of theaters will be available for the release of “Heart Attack”.