Collection King Mohan Babu has turned an year older today as he is celebrating his 61st birthday. From 1969, Mohan Babu was active in the film industry and in the year 1974 Bakthavatsala Naidu faced the camera for the first time as Mohan Babu. Then after he never looked back.
As an actor, producer, educationalist, politician and social worker, Mohan Babu has achieved greater heights. He always credits his mentor Dasari Narayana Rao for his success and Mohan Babu is a huge fan of NTR.
After paying a visit at Tirumala yesterday, Mohan Babu announced that he would make a sensational statement soon and it is nothing but his re-enty into politics. Mohan Babu has been swinging on the political radar for sometime and was confused.
Anyways wishing Mohan Babu many more happy returns of the day.
(AW: Vamshi)