Producer Dil Raju who recently bought Gunasekhar's Rudhramadevi distribution rights , has bagged yet another huge movie and it is Mahesh Babu's Aagadu. For about Rupees 5 crores, Dil Raju bought the distribution rights of Aagadu in Nizam and Vizag areas.
Aagadu is doing a terrific business and the pre-release talk is positive as the teaser which was launched recently got an outstanding response. Aagadu is nearing completion and is expected to hit screens in September.
Apparently for the past few years, Dil Raju has been doing back-to-back films with big heroes which has burned his pocket as many films have settled for average grosser at box office. Recently Dil Raju started a small project titled Kerintha and he will be introducing new face with this movie.
(AW: Vamshi)