Its been just couple of days that Superstar Mahesh Babu fans rejoiced with the second teaser of the film. Now we have a more interesting news for the fans, as the audio release date of 'Aagadu' has been confirmed. As per the highly placed sources Aagadu audio will be launched on August 28th and it is the obvious venue, Shilpa Kala Vedila in Hyderabad.
However, the makers of Aagadu are planning for a unique kind of launch and lucky fans could be involved in the audio release. But we need to wait till, 14 Reels Entertainment comes with a official confirmation of the audio release program. The second teaser of Aagadu is a huge hit in YouTube with good number of views and expectations are rising with each day.
Aagadu will be lighting the screens on September 19th worldwide. Tamannah is the heroine while Thaman is scoring music.
(AW: Vamshi)