Superstar Mahesh Babu's forthcoming movie 'Aagadu' has got a good news to all the fans. The film's audio release date has been confirmed by the makers and will have its formal launch on August 30th in Hyderabad. Many dates hit the headlines, but the producers maintained distance and finally zeroed one date.
The audio release has been planned at the obvious venue Shilpa Kala Vedika. Aagadu is the second collaboration of Mahesh and Sreenu Vaitla. The teasers which were revealed earlier, got a tremendous response from the viewers and expectations are quite high too.
Thaman is providing music for Aagadu and it is 50th film as a composer. Tamannah paired with Mahesh for the first time and glam doll Shruti Haasan will be seen in a special song.
(AW: Vamshi)