The young gun from Akkineni family, Akhil is yet to make his debut in films but commercial offers are pouring down. After TITAN, Akhil was approached by PepsiCo to endorse 'Mountain Dew' and he has accepted to be part of the commercial. This is a unique feat that no other yet to debut actor has done in Tollywood.
The TITAN's commercial ad did seriously impressed many and Akhil has shown lots of maturity in that ten minutes video. Beverage 'Mountain Dew' which comes with a tag line 'Darr Ke Aage Jeet Hai' always has adventurous commercials and for sure we can expect Akhil in a thrilling ad. According to the sources, the shooting of the ad has been already wrapped up and is expected to get revealed soon.
On the other hand, Akhil is hectic with his first film preparation which is anticipated to have a formal launch this month. So watch out for Akhil in 'Mountain Dew.'
(AW: Vamshi)