Bollywood fashionista Sonam Kapoor's upcoming movie 'Dolly Ki Doli' trailer was revealed in hush-hush event in Mumbai. Sonam is a robber bride in this film, who marries filthy rich people and runs away overnight. The trailer is quite entertaining and is expected to be a laugh riot.
Rajkummar Rao, Varun Sharma will be the victims of Sonam in the film while Pulkit Samrat will be seen as cop who will be chasing Sonam. The film has Malaika Arora in a special item song and Salman Khan is playing a cameo too.
Produced by Arbaaz Khan, Dolly Ki Doli is directed by Abhishek Dogra and the film is slated for release on February 6th.
Sonam failed to impress the audience in 2014 in two outings and hope she will start with a good note in 2015.