One of the heroines of V.V. Vinayak's directorial, Ram Charan starrer, recent block buster Nayak, Amala Paul seems to have not being able to enjoy the success of this film, completely. The reason being, according to some close sources, the role of the actress has been axed at the last moment before the release of the film, due to the length of the film had to cut shot.
Generally, when any length issues of any film come into picture, the sequences that will be axed are comedy scenes. But this time, in Nayak Amala had to face the problem. As a result, another heroine of the film, Kajal Agarrwal bagged more screen space.
But some other sources close to the actress say, Amala has been informed completely about her role and the length of her role in the film... they say the actress is very much happy to have played a role in Nayak...
Well, everything wipes out in the light of SUCCESS...