The movie is set in the Lava Kusha episode of the Ramayana and is gearing up for a grand release with a lot of expectations about it. The mythological film stars Bala Krishna in the lead role. Sita’s role has been essayed by Nayanthara. The actress had observed a fast while shooting for the film as a mark of respect to Goddess Seetha. Akkineni Nageswara Rao Garu played the character of Valmiki and Srikanth has played the role of Lakshmana. Vindu Dara Singh is portraying the role of Lord Hanuman.
Analysis :
Since the movie is about Ramayana, it is expected to do well with the Tamil audience too. So the team is planning to dub the movie into Tamil so that all can enjoy the glory of Sri Rama Rajyam. Apart from certain sequences that appear to be a bit draggin, Sree Rama Raajyam’ is a good ilm to watch for all those who believe in ‘Ramayana’.fans will also get a chance to see their favorite actress Nayanthara once again on the silver screen before she bids goodbye to movies. This would be a birthday gift to Nayan, who will be celebrating her birthday, tomorrow. And the RR and Music scores of Ilayaraja, definitely gave a fresh feel and new appearance to this age old story. The hard work of all the technicians is showing in this flick.
Performance :
Balakrishna and Nayanthara performed very well. The role essayed by Akkineni Nageswara Rao as Valmiki is outstanding. Maestro Ilaiyaraaja has given fantastic tunes and re-recording. Director Bapu has handled the movie very well. The special effects make the movie a top visual entertainer. The movie has been made on very high technical values and top technicians have worked on the CGI and special effects part.
‘Jagadananda Karaka’ song is the highlight of the film. The dialogues are good. The movie is the rehash of NTR starrer Lava Kusha. In a few scenes, Balayya reminds us of NTR in terms of looks and diction. He showed his class with this movie.
Final WordA good watch for all those Mythological film ka fans!