Full Moon… feast for the eyes to see. So beautiful, so natural and full of peace. But, even Moon has a black mark on it, and we could find it on observing it carefully. Now, anything cannot be done by Moon to get rid of this Mark. But, you and I can work on getting rid of these black spots on our face that is no less than as beautiful as a full moon. Let us have a look at this remedies that could help us in getting rid of the black spots, rather than surviving with them and just wasting hours together in covering them. And most important, these remedies would not cost us much to follow as they are homemade;
Use sunscreen daily with SPF 15 or higher. It is always wise to block the sun that darkens and harms the skin. This will also minimize your risk of acquiring skin cancer.
Do not prick your pimples or zits since it can result in permanent scarring. I understand, these are too hard to resist and too difficult to survive with. But work on getting rid of them. Proper food intake that is high in proteins and low in fat content, washing the face with just warm water as many times as we can, cleansing, toning and moisturizing your skin would help to keep you away from pimples.
Pick up a product that contains mild hydroquinone since it is the main ingredient in most skin bleaches. If you cannot tolerate hydroquinone, try other skin brighteners. Hydroquinone is usually used with glycolic acid and retinoid.
Always remember that skin bleaching is not instant. It may take you three months to a year to fade the darkened skin depending on your skin tone. Moreover, try not to abuse your skin. If you have persistent skin problems like acne that leave scars, treat them immediately and stop the cycle.
Apply Vitamin E oil directly to the affected area and allow it to penetrate the skin. Do not wash the oil off and instead, let it stay on for some time. For the sake of convenience, it is best to apply the oil to the face at bedtime and leave it on all night, washing it off only in the morning.
This is one of the best ingredients for your skin, as it contains natural renewing properties. Apply some honey to the affected area and leave it on for at least twenty minutes or so, before rinsing it off. For an extra lightening effect, you could add some wheat germ to the honey, before applying it to the skin.
Since the facial skin is very delicate and sensitive, it is important to use ingredients that will not cause any irritation. Milk not only has a soothing affect on the skin, it is great for lightening and treating black spots on face. Take a ball of cotton, dip it in some milk and dab it gently on the affected facial areas. You could also use butter milk or sour milk for this purpose.
Most varieties of citrus fruits, especially lemons, are high in vitamin C, which contains natural bleaching properties. Apply some citrus fruit on to a piece of cotton and massage the darkened spot gently with it.
Let’s work on getting that absolute spot free skin!