You would have been living and enjoying your found freedom, unless you have not come across to know the news in which the victim is any other Woman living alone and independent like 'YOU'. Yes, with the recent increase in the crime on Woman who are living alone, it is once again required to revive the safety measures that would help us live happily 'Alone’ rather than just living in a thought of we being the next victim;
No matter how safe a neighborhood seems, women living alone should take extra precautions to ensure their personal safety. Robberies and other crimes occur with alarming frequency in this country, and they affect individuals of all social and economic backgrounds. Sadly, women are often singled out as targets because they are believed to be more vulnerable than men and families or friends living together.
There are, however, many things women can do to improve their home security and personal safety when living on their own. One crucial step is to make sure that all of your doors and windows have proper locks, even if you live in an apartment building on one of the top floors. Not all thieves are discouraged by heights, particularly if you have a balcony. You should place a metal bar or rod in the bottom track of any sliding glass doors to prevent thieves from gaining access though this entrance. For front doors, 1-inch deadbolts are recommended.
If living in an apartment building, make sure that all common areas, including gyms, mailrooms, parking lots or garages, and laundry rooms have proper lights. Your home security is of chief importance, and if these areas are not adequately lit, speak with one of the building managers. Never buzz strangers into the building, and always use your peephole when someone is at your door. Try to get to know your neighbors; neighbors you know and trust are more likely to look out for your interests and be aware of suspicious activity around your home.
Always have your keys in hand when walking to and from your apartment building; many thieves target women when they are digging through their purse looking for keys.
Be particularly aware of your surroundings at night; take note of who is around. Women who appear aware are less likely to be followed and targeted. It is best to avoid walking home at night altogether; it is always better take a taxi or catch a ride home with a friend.
Taking these steps to protect yourself will greatly reduce your chances of becoming a victim of crime. It is important to always be aware of your surroundings, to take precautionary measures to deter theft, and to install a reliable home security system to protect yourself. Of course these are steps that should be taken by everyone, but since women living alone often face additional dangers, these measures are especially crucial.