How to approach women: Your inner Child knows best

October 07, 2012 16:04
How to approach women: Your inner Child knows best

If there was only one thing to know about seduction is that it really is a child’s game. I mean it quite literally too, right after meeting my 7 years old nephew for the first time, my girlfriend exclaimed: "I am in love, he's so cute."

Well done, Junior.

And if you have read every e-book on the topic and worked hard on your skills chances are you may be quite gutted to read it's merely a child’s game. Well I have more news; it’s something even a trained dog could do. Better still, even an un-trained one. Take my parents Labrador for instance; he is most likely the best seduction artist I have had the chance to meet to this day: no bloated ego, no fear of approach, spontaneous, easy to bond with and always on the look-out for entertainment.

I learnt from them.
That’s right; kids and Labradors are my mentors.

In fact let me tell you a short story. I had just left a bar with a couple of friends and turned around as two attractive girls walked by. I looked at them for a couple more seconds and something caught my attention: their butts looked uncannily similar. I have to confess I am not always good at making decisions and more times than not I’d rather have both than choose for one. So, I walked over to them and asked with my most genuine smile and a playful twinkle in my eyes: “Hey! You guys have the exact same ass, size, shape…everything. What’s your secret? Is it because you have the same genes or because you are wearing the same jeans?”

Yes, pun intended… My bad.

Upon reading this anecdote, you may have first played along and imagined the scene: where it took place, how these girls may have looked like, how they walked and what their instant reaction to my question may have been. In short you were building a mental representation of the scene pretty much the same way a child makes up a story using his boundless imagination and a couple of action figures. Now, at some point you may also have thought to yourself: “You cannot talk to people like that.” “It is not respectful." Or "It lacks class." And it does.

But since you are still reading this I assume you quickly dismissed the thought and decided the story was probably building up to something that is going to improve your game. And it is; so bear with me.

In order to further examine how displaying childlike qualities could make your game come to life, I will invite you on a short introductory trip through the basic concepts of Transaction Analysis (TA for short).  The aim of Eric Berne, founder of Transaction Analysis was to make complex psychological models easily understandable and applicable in situations where human social interactions and environments could be improved.

He distinguishes between three ego states from which people interact: Parent, Adult or Child. The Parent is the ego state that uses a language of values and represents the sum of both normative and encouraging messages we have received from parents and significant others through our lifetime. Oftentimes, it functions as a warning sign to prevent us from breaking the rules. Chronologically though, the first ego state is the Child which is formed through our early experiences and remains a vibrant and active part of us as we grow older. This ego state stems from the realm of emotions. Last but not least, the Adult is the part of us that processes the information from the two other ego-states and allows us to cope with reality in a constructive manner.

Let’s come back to the anecdote of the twin butts, shall we?

Your initial reaction as you read the story, forming pleasant mental images of attractive girls in skinny jeans engaging into a conversation with a fun-loving stranger was an expression of your Free Child ego (“Imagine if…”).

The afterthoughts and judgments you may have made were an expression of your Controlling Parent  (“Do this, don’t do that”).

Finally, you reading this article in order to improve your seduction skills is proof that your Adult ego is still in the driver’s seat.

So following Berne’s model of the three ego states, it is obvious that seduction is indeed a Child’s game.

In other words, the spontaneous, energetic and infinitely curious side of your personality is the one that comes to life whenever you are enjoying a great time and decide to strike up a conversation with a pretty stranger. Better yet, Eric Berne coined the term “Little Professor” to refer to that part of our Child ego characterized by intuition, creativity and manipulation. It is that smart kid in you that tries new things, has moment of genius and intuits instead of analyzing or deducting.

And that’s what it boils down to when the urge to approach a girl on the street is repressed by the authoritative voice of your Parent ego.

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