Having a relationship with someone can be very tricky sometimes. It may even feel like a full-time job on some days. However, being in a happy relationship is one of the best feelings on earth - to be with someone, and to love and be loved. Looking for some tips to improve (or just maintain) your happy relationship? See below.
Don't be best friends. While this sounds counterintuitive for a good relationship, the reality is that the two of you need space and time apart in order to have a healthy relationship. You need to have a best friend other than your boyfriend, someone you can spend time with and talk to about things like, well, your boyfriend. Ditto for him.
Be tolerant. Everyone has little quirks and habits. Some are cute and some are not. But instead of nagging him and trying to change him, develop some tolerance. One of the best ways to destroy a great relationship is to begin picking at each other over trivial things (or even not so trivial things, as long as they are not harmful to either of you or the relationship.) So what if he leaves his socks in the middle of the floor? Is that worth an argument, or worse, even losing him?
Look for middle ground. An otherwise perfectly made for each other couple can sometimes have a spot that can only be described as the great divide. You love to ski, he hates the cold. He wants to spend Christmas in the Bahamas alone with you, your idea of the perfect holidays is your entire extended family at your grandparents farmhouse in Vermont. No matter where the great divide occurs, the best way to keep your relationship happy and healthy is to look for some common ground. Alternate holidays at spots one of you prefers, plan ski weekends with your girlfriends, whatever it takes to keep a relationship flourishing.
Sex, sex and more sex. This may seem obvious but sometimes after the initial thrill of a relationship has passed the sex begins to dwindle. Sex keeps a couple happy, satisfied, and connected. The more sex a couple has, the more likely they are to stay together. Besides the other obvious benefits. So if you're not having enough sex with your boyfriend, step it up. He probably won't complain.
Little gifts. Happy couples give each other little gifts. It's a way to say "I'm thinking about you right now." It also creates tokens of affection that each of you will have to remind you of each other. Little seashells, a fancy pen, an inexpensive ring, even a love letter. Couples who give each other little gifts are reminding one another that even when they are apart, a bond still exists between them.