Actress Freida Pinto, who shot to fame with Slumdog Millionare, has revealed her sleazy side. After gaining fame and recognition, she has gone the extra mile to compete with the Miley Cyruses of Hollywood. Freido has turned passionate stripper for Bruno Mars in the video of his hit single 'Gorilla'.
Surprising everyone, the Bollywood actress became a Hollywood item girl for the video, where she is seen in sexy lacy lingerie while in a passionate love-making scene with singer Bruno Mars. In the recent past, female singers are fighting for attention by displaying lesser and lesser clothes with each day. Some of the most prominent examples are Britney Spears and Lady Gaga.
Going by the recent controversies that Miley Cyrus was embroiled in, one would not guess that her antics would actually set a trend. Joining the party, Freida Pinto decided to take her chance at more Hollywood fame by playing a stripper in the popular video. It appears as if Pinto has her sights set on becoming a 'local' in Hollywood.
(AW: Sruthi)