This is what our life style today is... all the time for rest all things and no time for self grooming. no problem. let’s learn how to get a fairer complexion in a simple way, within 7 days. try one mask a day as all these contain ingredients from nature and are not harmful in any way. remember if you are satisfied with any face mask, just stick on to the same for better result;
Honey, Lime Juice and Turmeric Face Mask
When hunting for fairness products at home, the most effective and useful ingredients are honey, lime juice and turmeric.They are called natural bleaching agents, and can upgrade the quality of your skin tone while reducing pigmentation and blemishes. It is, however, important to apply them daily.
Curd Face Mask
Curd, especially day old, when mixed with one tablespoon of besan is extremely beneficial for removing dead cells and ultimately enhancing the complexion.
Bleach with Oranges
Oranges, a rich source of vitamin C, are really good for the skin. Orange juice bleaches the skin naturally, giving it a bright shine. Orange peels, when dried in the sun, are also used. Put sun dried orange peels in the grinder to make a fine powder and store it in a jar. Take one tablespoon of the powder and add some fresh milk to it in order to make a thick paste. One can apply this tangy mixture on the skin daily. After the mixture dries up, wash it gently with lukewarm water. It acts as exfoliating agent, making the skin fair on constant use.
Neem Face Mask
Tender Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves, grinded to a smooth paste with a few drops of lemon juice, are sure way to remove pimples and will certainly make the skin clear and clean. A mixture of lime juice and equal quantity of tomato juice is very effective for making the complexion fair. One should apply the Neem mask in the morning, before washing the face. Leave it on the face for at least fifteen minutes, and then rinse with ice cold water. This concoction bleaches the skin, making it whiter and brighter. It is a potent mixture which reduces blemishes and black spots on the skin.
Turmeric Paste Face Mask
A paste of homemade turmeric with one teaspoon of milk, when applied constantly at least once a day, clears the skin and makes it luminous and glowing. Application of Coconut milk in the morning and before going to bed, regularly for two months, can improve the skin tone and can make it fairer. However, a judicious and consistent use of any of these home remedies would make you realize your dream of having a fair and glowing skin.