The winter is here and so are frizz, dry, split mane! Banish your hair blues with our expert tips and flaunt great tresses all along.
The first step to great winter here is to cut down on shampooing. Unlike summers, shampooing too frequently in winters might leave your mane moisture-strapped. When nip is in the air, both the hair and the scalp tend to dry out faster. So cut back on your headbath and you will have lesser frizz to manage.
No matter how greasy your hair might be during winters, oiling it is an absolute essential. Oiling your hair keeps the mane well hydrated. So stick to that.
Also, don't skip the conditioner after shampooing. It's important to keep the frizz in control.
Avoid brushing your mane too much as that can make your hair grease up fast.
AW: Suchorita Dutta Choudhury