Put on heavier clothes instead of light clothes

July 28, 2010 06:00
Put on heavier clothes instead of light clothes

How to stay warm
    Put on heavier clothes instead of light clothes in layers, that way the heat can stay inside the clothing instead of seeping through the light layers.

Keeping Warm
We purchased a Ben Frankin Wood Burning Stove, and it's a great investment cuz it gets us toasty warm (w/o the house heat on), its soooo romantic (day & night) and a large portion of the house heats up too.

sleep warm
    We sleep in our sleeping bags on cold nights. Most are warm down to at least 40 degrees. We also keep a space heater in the bathroom to take the chill off when showering.

—Guest yooby2

Buy a thermal blanket.
    I brought something call a Velux blanket over 15 years ago. If you put one of these under a quilt or comforter, you will be able to turn your heat down; and you won't need an electric blanket. These blankets are still being sold today. The blankets we have in the house got my familly through an ice storm that knocked out power for weeks in Kentucky. Well worth the money invested. They feel good to boot!


burn wood, not electricity
    We don't use our electric furnace at all if we can help it. Instead we have a wood-burning stove. We cut the wood in the summer/late fall and stack against back fence. We also burn coal (bought a special grate), one large lump of coal keeps us warm all night long, and we save on our wood as we only need a little bit to get the fire burning well so we can put the coal on it. I do realize that a woodstove isn't practical or a reality for many people, but those people who live in rural area with woods might want to look in to getting one.


For apartment dwellers
    When I selected our apartment, we chose the top floor, so that all of the heat from the apartments beneath us rises and keeps us toasty warm. We've even had to open windows to let some heat out in December!


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