Many women are unsure of what to use to apply their make-up - from brushes to sponges to fingers, which are the right tools to use?
We asked Michelle Deeves, a buyer for Woolworths' beauty department, what we should be using to paint our faces.
Is it okay to apply foundation with your fingers?
Yes it is, as no brush or sponge can replicate the direct control or warmth of using the fingers and hands.
Foundation can be blended in the palm of one's hand and applied with fingers for complete control of placement. Do ensure that your hands and nails are thoroughly clean before applying make-up though.
When should you use a brush or sponge?
It is personal preference! Most women who uses brushes believe that you waste less by using a brush.
Foundation brushes are great for a smooth and even application and make-up sponges (wedge-shaped ones) are great for applying foundation around the nose and other hard-to-reach places, as well as for blending.
What difference to these tools make to the make-up effect you create?
With foundation or base, none! They can all give the same effect, with even blending on the face.
How do you use a brush or sponge to apply foundation?
Foundation can be applied directly onto the brush and then blended on the face by applying bit by bit on either cheek and nose, and blend upward into the hairline.
For sponges, apply foundation onto the face, all over or only the parts that need it, and use the sponge to blend upward into the hairline.
What kind of applicator is best for eye shadow?
There are many different eyeshadow brushes for various applications, but the most versatile is an eyeshadow brush wide enough to cover about half the eyelid, a brush with natural, soft, rounded bristles with bevelled edges that deposit a sweep of shadow across the lower lid without leaving any harsh lines.
Brushes are better than sponge applicators, and it's best to invest in a set of eyeshadow brushes that can shade, contour, blend and ones that can be used to apply eyeliner precisely. These will help you to create a variety of different looks. (Click here to find out how to create the perfect smokey eye!)
What's the best kind of brush to apply blush? Can't I just use the one that came with the blush?
For this you need a blusher brush with soft, natural hair and bevelled and curved edges.
Unfortunately the brushes that come with most make-up compacts are too small and narrow for proper blush application.