It is important for people to develop reading abilities whether it's for business or educational purposes. For future remembrance, people need to understand as well as absorb vast amounts of information.
But if their comprehension speed is slow, it can be a very time consuming task. Speed Reading can come in handy at this time. This involves a number of techniques which claim to help people in reading faster and in fact can also improve comprehension and retention abilities.
However, this is not true for all the techniques that claim to increase speed. Discussed below are some effective tips on speed reading through which you can increase your comprehension speed.
Get your eyes checked: Tips on speed reading recommend this step before actually helping you in developing effective reading skills. This is because in some cases it is later discovered that due to an undiagnosed vision problem, people were unable to read faster. There is no time like the present to have an eye exam and will aid in reading comprehension when you ensure that your vision is perfect.
Verifying Current Reading Speed: Another of the beneficial tips is to check your current reading speed for determining if it's below or above the average. The tips indicate that this assists people in checking their progress later and also keeps on motivating them to increase it even more. An online test can be used for checking the speed.
Eliminating Distractions: According to the various tips, it is also possible for people to manage their reading skills if they get rid of all the distractions which might hamper their concentration levels. Keeping distractions to a bare minimum is the ideal way for achieving a quick reading rate even if you think that you read better with noise around you. Tips on speed reading advise you to find a solitary place to read.
Prioritize Your Reading Material: This is a vital point of tips that are available for boosting speed. Give your reading material in order of importance which includes highly important, moderately important and least important material. The speed of reading can be increased as per the sensitivity of material. The least important material can be skimmed while the essential information can be read very carefully and thus make reading quickly possible.
Don't read to yourself: This is perhaps the most important cause which hampers speed skills. When people are reading, they tend to pronounce each word in their mind. This is defined as sub vocalization and according to tips on speed reading, it should be avoided to actually increase the speed of your reading.
Indulge in Hand Reading: Another of the tips regarding an increase in reading rate indicates that it can be helped through consistent eye motion. By using your hands to guide them, you can increase the efficiency of your eyes. Your eyes will follow the motion of your hands and thus enable you to read quickly and speedily.
There are a large number of other tips on speed reading available through which you can learn this art, like reading in chunks, timing your reading etc.