Worrying constantly over small things is commonly said to be detrimental to our health. Well, here's a counter view. Worrying may actually make you live longer as the individual gives more attention to detail. To worry without going hysterically overboard, there are a couple of tips one can note.
To keep the boat from rocking too much, redirect your focus with a few minutes of deep breathing. Though you will not stop thinking about the burning issue, you mind is more productive than chaotic. In case of an issue such as a nagging pain, it is better to just stop thinking about it and focus elsewhere. That's all it takes to keep from making the pain nastier.
When you are responding to a stressful situation with fire in your eyes, ensure someone trusted warns you about going overboard. A predetermined signal should do the trick. Keeping the lid on your anger can do wonders to make a bad situation less bad.
Attention to detail is a commendable quality that has been proved to contribute to healthy relationships and successful careers. As long as you stay away from catastrophic, end of the world, kind of thoughts, you're safe with your worries.
(AW: Sruthi)