Man sells dogs for BMW

May 12, 2012 11:04
Man sells dogs for BMW

"No matter how little money and few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich"

Louis Sabin

We don't whether this rule applies to all dogs or not, but for an average Chinese national, owing two dogs made him rich.  Thanks to the two mastiffs that brought a luxurious BMW car for their 61-year-old master, Pan who stays at Zhongcun toll station. Sounds incredible, but true.

The two mastiffs-gold and black colored ones were the proud of Pan for the past 17 years. For over a decade they guarded him and after 17 years they said good-bye to their master and gave him a BMW.

Pan sold his two mastiffs to get a luxurious car only to take his wife to her hometown and other places believing that traveling to her favourite places would in a comfort car would put an end to her illness. She had been suffering from cancer.

What in case the dreadful cancer claims Pan’s wife soon? Although he would have BMW, he would not be rich then, as he had already lost two good pets. Hope Pan’s wife recovers from her illness soon otherwise the sacrifice of two pets and his master will go waste.  (Phani)

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