Cold has been shaking the nation from the bone with temperatures that are going below the freezing point in many parts of North India. The cold wave has also taken its toll on the lives of humans, and what most people would be worried at this time is being struck by cold and cough.
Cough, technically, is not actually a disease and is merely a reflex of the body caused by irritation in order to throw out the contents of the lungs which most possibly include the cause of the cough too. This is hence a natural mechanism to clear the lungs, throat while causing the emesis of any present irritants, foreign particles or congestion which might attract foreign particles.
What makes this bad is the repetitive nature of the cough, which doesn't stop at times. As a temporary relief to the problem we have a few non-conventional methods to help you stop coughing.
Please be advised to use these only as tips and not as medical advise and treatment. Please consult a doctor for further treatment if the problem is severe.
1. Hot chocolate: Yummy and effective! Hot cocoa the essential content of chocolate contains Theobromine which has the same effects of a cough medicine on your lungs and throat. It helps suppress the cough and also has no side effects unlike your cough medicine which might cause sleepiness.
2. Ice Cubes or cold towel: Take a couple of ice cubes and pop them in your mouth. Don't swallow them but let them melt in your mouth. The cold ice cubes will help your throat muscles to soothe and go numb to the pain. A similar result can be achieved by a towel or a washcloth dipped in ice cold water and wrapping it around your throat.
3. Don't laugh but rub Vicks Vaporub on your feet after cleaning them with water. Wear your cotton socks and go to sleep. You will notice that the aromatic vapors in the Vicks will heal your cough in just five minutes. Don't ask me how it works, but it does.
4. A good hot shower can result in decongestion of the phlegm and hence help you expel the irritants. If you have dry cough, the hot vapors moisturize your throat and help the cough.
5. This is a home treatment, and will treat mild coughs effectively. Honey with minced ginger pieces is the best solution for a cough at home. Although it might not act right away, the final result can be clear in a day or two.
For more tips that would help you with the cold wave, stay tuned with the site.
(AW- Anil)