TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu, who had lead an 8-km Padayatra in Hyderabad and held a demonstration at the Ambedkar statue against the arrest of the Gandhian and social activist Anna Hazare and his team members on Tuesday, today held a demonstration along with his supporters and party activists at the Mahatma Gandhi statue on MG Road in Secunderabad.
Police arrested Naidu and his supporters for leading a dharna without permission and took them to the Ramgopal Pet police station. They later released him on submission of personal bonds.
Earlier, addressing the crowd and the TDP activists, the former chief minister announced he was ready to go to jail for the sake of a strong Lok Pal Bill. “The youth and others should fight against corruption,” he called upon the people on the occasion.
Stating that the TDP agitation against corruption would continue, he said that there is a need for the people to follow Anna Hazare who is fighting for a corruption-free society. “At a time when several countries are implementing strict anti-corruption laws, heavens will not fall if the PM is brought under the purview of the Lok Pal Bill,” he said calling upon the people to join the agitation against corruption.