The CBI, investigating the illegal properties case involving the YSR Congress president Mr YS Jaganmohan reddy, today produced his aide Mr Vijay Sai reddy in the special economic offences court at Nampally in Hyderabad.
With the 5-day custody of Mr Vijay Sai reddy coming to an end on Monday, the CBI officials produced him in the court and sought his custody for some more days for questioning him further in the case. As the special CBI court judge Mr Nagamaruthi Sarma was on leave, officials produced Vijay Sai in the special economic offences court.
The CBI informed the court that Vijay Sai didn’t speak anything during the first three days of his 5-day custody but opened his mouth during the last two days.
“However, he needs to be interrogated for some more days as several persons gave statements and came forward to be witnesses after his arrest. A lot of information is to be extracted from Vijay Sai about the other accused in the case,” said the CBI in its petition. (JUBS)