Has the TRS given up its demand for separate Telangana state? Has JAC convener Prof. Kodanda Ram also compromised on his stand on Telangana state? The answers seem to be yes to these two questions going by their blatant U turn on two important issues.
There is a perceptible change in their stance towards Governor ESL Narasimhan first. Unlike last time when they heckled at him, tried to pull away his chair and broke off the mike in front of him, the TRS members walked out of the assembly this time at the beginning of his speech allowing him a tension-free time in the joint session of the legislative assembly and legislative council today.
The Governor brought with him a 40-page text to read out in the joint session but the TRS members protested namesake and made some murmurs on the issue of Telangana before the Governor completed reading even four or five pages and then walked out of the session. By their action, they allowed the Governor to read his most part of the prepared text peacefully.
In quite contrast, Narasimhan made a hasty retreat without completing his speech from the joint session last year after the TRS members posed and advanced menacingly towards him. This had highly embarrassed the government and CM Kiran had to apologize to him. The reason was Telangana.
However, this time there was no embarrassment either to the governor or to the Government and the ferocity of the TRS on their pet issue of Telangana was no where to be seen.
Kodanda, TRS change their stance towards Assembly
The second reason to believe that TRS and JAC chief Kodanda Ram have given up their demand for separate state stems from the fact they have changed their stance towards the assembly.
Last year, TRS announced that the AP assembly was non-existent while Kodanda Ram said he won’t recognize the AP assembly.
In quite contravention of their own statements, the TRS leaders and Kodanda Ram, along with some other parties, have openly demanded the installation of Dr. Ambedkar statue in the assembly today. There is no wrong if any one demands installation of Ambedkar statue in the assembly.
However, the question comes up; what is the point in raising such a demand when they don’t recognize the assembly? One gets the opinion they have changed their stance towards the assembly without getting their demand for separate state of Telangana fulfilled.
Are they happy with the AP assembly? Is there no necessity to have separate assembly for Telangana state? Will TRS or Kodanda Ram clarify on this? (JUBS)