One of the accused in illegal assets case, Vijayasai Reddy, has exuded confidence that the prime accuse in the case and Kadapa MP Jaganmohan Reddy would prove his innocence in connection with the case. He has held a press conference at the residence of Chevireddy Bhaskar Reddy in Tummalakunta of Tirupati. Vijayasai has alleged that TDP and Congress parties gave wrong information to the CBI Court that Jagan was holding illegal assets. To make a point, he said CBI was not having any substancial evidences to prove Jagan was guilty of the offence.
It is known that CBI court is trying illegal assets case. The court already sent the prime accused to judicial custody in May itself and the custody has been extended to Juen 25. Meanwhile, the entire arrest and trial episode seemed to have benefitted the party in bypolls. Jagan's YSR Congress party won 15 seats of 18 MLA seats.
(AW Phani)