The CBI Court has extended the judicial custody of YSR Congress president Janganmohan Reddy till July. Jagan was produced before the CBI Court on Wednesday as his judicial custody came to an end today and the court extended his judicial custody. This is third extension of judicial custody of YSR Congress president, who is the prime accused in illegal assets case.
The first judicial extension was made on June 11, the second extension was on June 25 and the third extension on July 4. The CBI court first remanded him to 14 days judicial custody on May 28 when CBI arrested him on May 27 and produced before the court.
Jaganmohan Reddy has been at Chanchalguda jail in Hyderabad and will continue to stay there for another two weeks as the High Court has rejected his bail petition today. However, Jagan has been treated as a special category prisoner.
AW Phani