Chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy, who is Delhi, is scheduled to conduct a meeting with higher officials in the state through video conference. As per the schedule, CM convened a conference on law and order situation in the state in the noon. And ground level meet on electricity issue would be conducted in the evening, said sources. CM conducting meeting on law and order situation is giving raise to many speculations in the state, said political observers. They speculated that some key decision on pending issue would likely be taken and that could be one of the reasons as to why the two big wigs in the state have been in Delhi for the past two to three days.
Meanwhile, opposition parties continued to spit venom on the government over electricity issues. Right from TDP to left parties, all political parties are taking out their own protests in different ways on the same cause. While TDP demanded the government to step down, left parties are gearing up for a massive protest at Jantar Mantar of Delhi. On the other hand, TRS too-which usually talks on statehood issue-plunged into the action to tour several places in the region and inspect the damaged crop due to power cuts.
(AW Phani)