YSRC president and the prime accused in the illegal assets case, Jaganmohan Reddy-who has been lodged at Chanchalguda jail in Hyderabad-would be produced today before CBI special court on Tuesday. Along with Jagan, the others who would be produced before the court include former minister Mopidevi Venkataramana, Nimmagadda Prasad, Vijayasai Reddy, Manmohan Singh and Samuel.
In the wake of Jagan's shifting to Nampally court for enquiry, tight security has been arranged between Chanchalguda Jail and Nampally CBI Court. Also, the police have taken all measures to ensure that there would be no traffic jams between these two areas of the city. It may be noted that Jaganmohan Reddy was arrested long back by the CBI under the allegations that he dolled out favours to the investors in his companies by using his father late YSR's power, who was then the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh.
(AW Phani)