Minister TG Venkatesh has spoken on Telangana issue yet another time. He has said that the a decision on Telangana would not be taken in near future. Nonetheless, he said a decision on Telangana state would be made six months before 2014 general elections. He has even said that he would be meeting the Congress high command for asking them special packages for Rayalaseema region. TG Venkatesh's statements gained prominence as there have reportedly been many debates as to Telangana would be carved out by the Congress or not.
The political observes said that TG Venkatesh's statements that Telangana decision would be taken six months before elections clearly proves that Congress party was more particular about political future than the problem in the state. It may be noted that crores of people in Telangana region have been pressing their demands in support of Telangana state for quite sometime and a subsequent movement 'Jai Telangana' broke out after which the then home minister Chidambaram-on behalf of the Government of India-publicly announced on December 9, 2009 that the process for the formation of Telangana would be initiated and an appropriate resolution would be moved in the assembly.
(AW Phani)