A deep depression in Bay of Bengal is triggering tension among several officials in Tamil Nadu especially in Chennai since meteorological department officials have said that this depression is likely to turn into massive cyclone and hit Tamil Nadu sometime in the evening today. Currently, the depression is located 350 kilometres off Chennai in Bay of Bengal. Officials alerted the people in the state and people in low lying areas have been evacuated. Several schools and colleges in Tamil Nadu have been closed on Tuesday due to the possible cyclone hit.
The officials warned the fishermen not to venture into the sea.The collector of Nagapattinam informed the media that rescue teams have been pushed into the action in order to minimize the damage. Also, he said all cyclone shelters were kept ready.
If the depression turns into cyclone, it's most likely to land between Nagapattinam (TN) and Nellore (Andhra Pradesh). The officials in Chennai told that arrangements were in place and officials were asked to work in nights too. Several schools and community kitches will be used as the temporary relief centres in case cyclone lands, they said. They added that rescue boats would be moved the moment cyclone is confirmed.
(AW Phani)