Model-turned-actress Poonam Pandey got court summons. The court in Bangalore-acting on a private complaint filed by an advocate-directed Poonam Pandey for appearing before the court on February 22. A lawyer based in Bengaluru filed this complaint in May 2012 against Poonam Pandey for exhibiting nudity besides hurting religious sentiments. The additional chief metropolitan magistrate noted took the cognizance of IPC section 295A (outraging religious feeling).
It is known that Poonam Pandey declared that she would go nude in case Team India wins World Cup. She then posted obscene pictures on Internet with cricketer Sachin Tendulkar and Hindu God. It may be noted that Poonam Pandey is one of the models who shot into limelight after she declared she would pose nude in case Indian cricket team wins world cup. After that posted some sleazy pictures on her twitter account with obscene description.
(AW Phani)
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