The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Court has extended the judicial remand of the prime accused in illegal assets case, Jaganmohan Reddy and other accused in the case to November 22. The court has enquired the accused through video conference. It is known that Jaganmohan Reddy and other accused in the case are currently under judicial custody at Chanchalguda jail in Hyderabad.
While Jagan is prime accused in illegal assets case, enforcement directorate too cracked its whip on Jagan by sending notices to Jagan for appearing him in person before its headquarters in Delhi. Jaganmohan Reddy is the son of former chief minister late YSR. Once elected as Congress MP, Jagan eventually moved out of Congress and formed YSRC. Based on a complaint filed against Jagan alleging that he dolled out favours to some companies using the influence of his father (who was the then CM) as a token of gratitude for investing in his companies, High Court ordered CBI probe on Jagan. The bureau charged Jagan with several sections and named in accused number one in its charge sheet.
(AW Phani)