Known and feared for his outlandish verbal attack, veteran filmmaker Dasari Narayana Rao is yet respected by the film fraternity for his versatility. Addressing a vast gathering on the occasion of launching a book on Rajinikanth written by another filmmaker Suresh Krishna, the veteran said that he had brought unknown people to the tinsel world and gave them a scope to rise, inaddition to giving them star status. He also aired his ire that the same people were spilling venom on him and he would not tolerate it.
The veteran expressed that shortly he would write a book on stars which might see them in embarrassing situations. The attack was felt as a rude shock by the sympathizers of a star who had reached astronomical heights since sometime.
Another statement that won the hearts of the scores present on the occasion was, 'there are only three superstars for me, one is the late NTR, then Amitabh Bachchan and the third is Rajinikanth. The whole crowds applauded to the noting of the veteran. Again this statement irked the sympathizers of a particular star.
The blast out should make many eyebrows rise in the political and tinsel world across. Was it a general statement or meant to vent his ill feelings over someone in particular, is a question that only Dasari would be able to reveal. (Wishesh AarKay)