BJP state president Kishan Reddy has hailed Indian Hindu monk, Swamy Vivekananda. He has said that Vivekananda had spread the greatness of the country across the globe and appealed to the youth that everyone should treat him as a role model. Mr Kishan Reddy has taken Part in 150th birth anniversary celebrations of Swamy Vivekananda. Hailing Vivekananda, Kishan Reddy said that the ideologies of the former would make youth stick to the path of morals.
Further, Kishan Reddy said it's a matter of pride and in fact greatness of Swami Vivekananda that his birth anniversary is being celebrated not just in the country but across the globe. It may be noted that Swamy Vivekananda is one of the role models to many eminent personalities across the globe. He was even said to have inspired the west when he took part in Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893. There's even a street in New York, which has been named after Swamy Vivekananda. India celebrates his birthday (January 12) as the National Youth Day.
(AW Phani)